Sen. Hatch, what will you try to sell next just to get re-elected, the Grand Canyon? Perhaps the Mormon Temple? It’s clear to almost everyone here (Republicans, independents and Democrats alike) that you’ve sold your soul and lost your way.
You have forgotten that you work for the hard-working people of Utah and not the interests of big corporations and a president with questionable ethical standards. Your choice to stir the political pot at a time when our country needs real leadership is both sad and embarrassing.
Perhaps you are just too old and out of touch, as many say, or maybe you’ve been away in Washington, D.C., for too long. Either way, I look forward to voting for Mitt Romney in the Republican primary to rid us of a representative who no longer understands our values. No matter how a person feels about the national monuments issue, rest assured that everyone can see through your thinly veiled ruse to save your own political skin at our expense.
We deserve better. Your time is up. Thanks for nothing, Sen. Hatch.
Dave Klock, Salt Lake City