
Letter: Second Amendment is there so population can protect itself from the government

One thing that is almost never talked about in the gun control debate is the real reason the Founding Fathers made the Second Amendment.

It was not for hunting or even personal protection. America just finished the Revolutionary War and the only reason America was even able to put up a fight was because the private citizens brought their own, personal guns to fight.

Imagine if, at that time the government said, “it is not reasonable that the private citizen should have such a powerful weapon as a muzzle loader” and then they passed legislation that the private citizen only “needed” a bow and arrow. Do you think America would exist today? Do you think we could have won the Revolutionary War?

The reason for the Second Amendment is so that the population can protect itself from the government.

You may say that in today’s society the need for a revolution against our government would never happen. I am sure many citizens in Germany thought the same thing before Hitler came along.

Given the right conditions, with the right leaders who may gain support of the military, it could happen in the USA.

Do you think we could win a Revolutionary War if the government has automatic weapons and the population only has hunting rifles?

Free societies have to put up with all he consequences of speech, hate and rights to bear arms. The alternative is slavery.

That is why the Founding Fathers made the Second Amendment to “not be infringed.” Think about it.

Paul Hammond, South Jordan