
Letter: The dumbing down of America

After reading the letter President Obama left for Donald Trump after he was elected, I now have doubt that he really was elected, however he is there and we are all left having to deal with that now.

The letter bears evidence of the intelligence and compassion of the writer. It is no wonder to me why President Obama was elected after reading the letter. What an amazing man of courage, integrity and caring for this country and the people of this country.

Contrast this with the sorry excuse for an “adult” man that we now have to contend with. I do not remember a kind word that Donald Trump has had for President Obama. Rather, he seems intent on destroying any legacy of his that he can. This entitled man who is only concerned with himself and lies every time he opens his mouth is a disgrace to the office of president of the United States of America. For all the people who voted for this man who displayed all the signs of a self-centered, lying psychopathic bully during the campaign, you are complicit in bringing embarrassment and chaos to this country.

One of the ideas that all Americans learn early is that “anyone can be president.” Well, we now have evidence that this should not be allowed. He and his family and the rest of the crooks he has surrounded himself with need to be fired and sent packing. What will continue to astound me is that there were so many people in this country who accepted this self-centered con artist and voted for him. The dumbing down of this country has been accomplished.

Suzanne Jensen

Salt Lake City