
How to share your opinion with The Salt Lake Tribune

Everything you need to know to submit an op-ed, guest essay, letter to the editor and more.

The Salt Lake Tribune is committed to creating a space where Utahns can share ideas, perspectives and solutions that move our state forward. We rely on your contributions to do this.

While we encourage Utahns from all walks of life to submit, we want to ensure that submissions help us reach the goals outlined here. We welcome ideas in multiple formats and will consider essays, illustrations, videos and other formats.

Please note that all submitted op-eds are considered at the editor’s discretion and publication is not guaranteed. Those who submit should expect to hear back from the Voices Editor within a few days of submitting, and those that are accepted are likely to go through a few rounds of edits.

If you or someone you know would like to share your unique perspective or expert analysis, please consider the following questions before submitting:

  • Is both the author and topic local? Think about what topics are impacting Utahns now. What information can you provide that they cannot find elsewhere? Even if it’s a national issue, find the local tie.

  • Is the topic timely? Sometimes, issues are evergreen. But I’d encourage you to think about what topics are impacting Utahns now.

  • Is the argument clear? Will the reader understand your position immediately? Is there a clear call to action? If you’re concerned about being able to write, let me know and we can talk about alternate formats, like a Q&A, a video, an illustration, etc.

  • Does the author have strong personal authority? Everyone has an opinion. Think of topics on which you are uniquely qualified to speak on. Can you base your point in lived experience? Are you an expert in a particular area? Think about how you can leverage that experience and/or expertise to build trust with your audience.

  • Has the topic been over- or under-covered? News happens fast, and we have an obligation to act quickly. Consider what’s impacting Utahns now and how your commentary can provide the audience with information they can’t find elsewhere.

Please ensure you also understand and have met the following requirements:

  • Commentaries must be exclusive to The Tribune, meaning it has not been sent to — or published — anywhere else.

  • Commentaries must be 800 words or less.

  • Commentaries must not include name-calling or personal insults.

  • Commentaries must be timely and Utah-related.

  • Commentaries must have in-line links to facts, quotes and references.

  • Contributors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. If you’re currently running for office, please review our candidate guidelines below.

  • Contributors must wait 45 days after being published to submit another commentary for consideration. Please understand that The Tribune is working to elevate voices not always seen in our work and new contributors may, at times, be prioritized.

During elections, in an effort to be fair to each party, there are additional guidelines for both candidates and readers. Please note that all submitted op-eds are considered at the editor’s discretion and publication is not guaranteed.


  • Candidates in a political race may only publish one commentary per race. Candidates already in office may submit additional commentaries for consideration if they are not election-related and serve constituent interest.

  • The Salt Lake Tribune may solicit commentaries from other candidates in a race before publishing one candidate’s submission.

  • No candidate commentaries seeking endorsement or votes will be published after ballots are mailed.


  • The Salt Lake Tribune will make an effort to publish an equal amount of commentaries endorsing different candidates. This means that your submission may be held to publish at a later date, or your submission may not be accepted due to a higher number of published submissions endorsing a candidate.

  • You may only submit one commentary endorsing a candidate per race.

  • No commentaries endorsing a candidate will be published after ballots are mailed.

How to submit a letter to the editor

Email your letter to the editor to letters@sltrib.com.

Letters to the editor may also be mailed to:

Public Forum, The Salt Lake Tribune

90 S. 400 West, Suite 600

Salt Lake City, 84101

Submissions must be 300 words or less and must include the author’s full name, address, phone number and email address. Only the name and city will be published.

Letters are condensed and edited. Because of the volume of mail received, not all submissions are published.

We will accept only one letter per person in any 30-day period.

How to submit a commentary

Email your commentary to voices@sltrib.com.

Commentaries may also be mailed to:

Voices Editor, The Salt Lake Tribune

90 S. 400 West, Suite 600

Salt Lake City, 84101

Written submissions should be 800 words or less and must include in-line links to all quotes and facts used.

Please disclose any potential conflicts of interest in the topic of your submission.

Contributors should include a recent photograph of themselves and a sentence or two of biographical information that includes any experience or expertise in the subject matter addressed. Please limit to two co-authors.

We will accept only one commentary per person in any 45-day period.

Sending text in the body of an email is preferred, as attachments do not always arrive in a usable form.

If you’re an educator interested in assigning an op-ed to your students, please reach out to voices@sltrib.com.

Questions? Concerns? Send a note to voices@sltrib.com. We look forward to hearing from you!