This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

"We the people ... "

So begins our Constitution, but in the beginning "we" largely meant white males. It took the Civil War and women's suffrage to include blacks and women.

Now, around the world, many societies are trying to decide how big their "we" is. England no longer wants to include Europe in their "we." The Middle East is fracturing along religious and ethnic lines. Africa has its tribal conflicts. The world seems to be dividing into smaller and smaller groups. While smaller groups may increase cohesiveness, they also narrow our perspective and openness to people different than ourselves. Some people see "black lives matter" and "blue lives matter" as signs of our own fractures. Instead such movements should be seen as wake-up calls to what is happening that must be addressed. One of the things that makes America great is our embracing of our differences.

We must resist this divisiveness and remember that inclusiveness has helped make us great!! How big is your "We"?

David Hart | Torrey