
Mike Lee, Angus King want to simplify ‘Made in USA’ labeling standards

Portland, Maine • Senators from Maine and Utah want to simplify “Made in USA” labels by creating a national standard for them.

Independent Sen. Angus King of Maine and Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah said Thursday that businesses are currently hindered by a patchwork of differing state laws if they want to place a “Made in USA” label on a product.

The different laws make it more costly and more difficult to sell a product with such a label around the country, the senators said.

King said the proposal would “streamline this process and provide clarity for consumers who want to support American workers and manufacturers.”

The senators’ proposal would make certain the federal government maintains the authority to settle country-of-origin labeling standards, King and Lee said. The Senate passed similar legislation last year, but the U.S. House did not take it up.