
News roundup: Mueller’s Russia probe is causing anxiety, paranoia in the White House where ‘everyone thinks they’re being recorded’

Mueller’s Russia probe is causing anxiety, paranoia in the White House where ‘everyone thinks they’re being recorded.’ President Trump flies to Utah today with an announcement on national monuments cuts. Protesters rallied against Trump’s visit at the Capitol on Saturday.

Happy Monday. With at least two former Trump associates taking plea deals and pledging their cooperation with Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, many White House staffers are becoming anxious and paranoid. “Everyone thinks they’re being recorded,” said one person close to the administration. [Politico]

Topping the news: President Donald Trump will visit Utah today. Here’s what to expect. [Trib] [KUTV] [Fox13]

-> Protesters gathered at the Utah Capitol on Saturday to rally against Trump’s planned cuts to Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. [Trib] [ABC4] [DNews] [Fox13] [KUER] [KUTV]

-> Before Trump became president, efforts were already in the works to shrink Utah’s national monuments. [Trib]

Tweets of the day: From @pourmecoffee: “’For what purpose does the gentleman rise?’ ‘Mr. President, I rise to offer an amendment that from passage of this bill forward every time a GOP member cites the debt in this chamber an ‘80s sitcom laugh track be played.’”

-> From @ddale8: “Trump admitting to knowing Flynn had committed a crime at the time he pressured Comey is one of these instances where, if a secret email had revealed it, it’d be some huge story, but instead he just says it out loud unprompted.”

Happy Birthday: To state Rep. Mark Wheatley.

In other news: Sen. Orrin Hatch received thanks from President Donald Trump after the Senate passed the GOP’s tax-reform bill. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Rep. Mia Love has proposed a bill that would ban Congress from using taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment claims. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes signed onto a letter to Congress requesting that people with concealed-carry permits be able to legally carry a concealed gun in any state. [Trib]

-> State Rep. Dean Sanpei announced that he will resign. [Trib]

-> Members of the FLDS church are relocating after land trust disputes over their previous homes. Here’s what it’s like to be their new neighbor. [Trib]

-> The Salt Lake City Council is expected to broaden restrictions on accessory dwellings or “mother-in-law” units on Tuesday. [Trib]

-> Robert Gehrke guesses what Trump will say during his visit to Utah today. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley suggests that Trump wants people to take the fall for him. [Trib]

Nationally: Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s dismissed national security adviser, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. [WaPost]

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— Courtney Tanner and Karenna Meredith

Twitter.com/CourtneyLTanner and Twitter.com/meredithkarenna