This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Unified police are looking for a driver who fled a Millcreek crash that critically injured one person.
At 1:18 a.m. Saturday, the suspect was driving a truck east on 3300 South when he hit a black car — which was also eastbound — at the intersection of 2300 East, said Unified Polcie Lt. Lex Bell.
The truck then veered off the road and hit a building, Bell said. The truck's driver allegedly fled on foot, and was wearing jean shorts and a red hoodie, Bell added.
A female in the black car was in critical condition, and a male from the car was in serious condition.
Anyone with information about the suspect is asked to call dispatchers at 801-840-4000.
Twitter: @MikeyPanda