This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Mitt Romney's son is bringing a second round of charitable professional boxing to Utah — but the former Massachusetts governor is not on the ticket for this match.
CharityVision, Josh Romney's Utah-based charity, will bring its Fight Night event back to the Rail Event Center, 235 N. 500 West, on June 11, according to a news release.
Mitt Romney is listed as a participant in the release, but it is not clear whether he will square off. The night's main event is said to include former world champion boxer Oscar De Lay Hoya and actor-TV host Mario Lopez.
Last year, Mitt Romney went two rounds in the ring with former champion Evander Holyfield to raise money for his son's charity. This year's fundraiser will include an undercard of likely more competitive boxing matches than its main event.