This is an archived article that was published on in 2006, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Posted: 8:23 PM- Steven Jones, the Brigham Young University physics professors embroiled in controversy over his theories on the Twin Towers' collapse, is retiring Jan. 1.

"I am electing to retire so that I can spend more time speaking and conducting research of my choosing," Jones said in an interview Friday. "I appreciate the wonderful opportunity I have had to teach and serve and do research at BYU for more than 21 years." In September, the university owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints placed Jones on paid leave in order to conduct a professional review of his controversial Sept. 11 theories. The review was in its earliest stages - a panel had not yet been appointed - but it has been canceled due to Jones' retirement, said Carri Jenkins, BYU spokeswoman.

The professor had given several public lectures on his theories of why the World Trade Center collapsed. Jones published the paper "Why Indeed Did the World Trade Center Collapse?" online and began lecturing about his theories, which stated that the planes crashing into the towers created a diversion while an unnamed group, possibly the U.S. military, exploded bombs inside the towers.

Jones also recently was appointed co-chairman of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, "a nonpartisan association of faculty, students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11," according to its Web site. He is also the co-editor of Journal of 9/11 Studies.

He said he is not bitter toward BYU, and hopes to continue his research.

"I would hope to be back in an academic setting, but I'm not going to decide for several months," he said.

He says he plans to sell some property to keep him financially afloat, though he says he has no urgent need for money.

"I could say the Lord provides," he said. "I've always found that true, and my wife and I are being blessed." Before he retires, he plans to finish the analysis of soils and metals from the towers that led to the conclusions in his paper. Jones owns the materials, not the school, Jenkins said.

"I'm sure [BYU] will let me work even after I'm retired," he said. "I'm not too worried about that at all." However, Jenkins said allowing professors to use university resources after retirement has not been part of the school's policy and Jones' situation has not specifically been discussed with the administration.

Jones said he wants to be able to speak more freely about his opinions and theories than BYU has allowed, but added the school has treated him well over the two decades he taught there.

He says it's his duty do carry on his research.

"I have a stewardship for my life, research and work, and the university people have their stewardships," he said. "I will do my best to carry out my stewardship, and I have this hope that things will work out."" Target="_BLANK">