This is an archived article that was published on in 2006, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Family funMacy's brings Thanksgiving Day Parade to Sandy

Macy's department store chain is bringing its traveling Thanksgiving Day Parade to Sandy on Tuesday as part of a 23-city nationwide tour.

Activities and events will be offered from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the parking lot of the Macy's store at South Towne Center mall. They include a marching band, stiltwalkers, jugglers and a magician and various giveaways.

For more information on the traveling parade, go to

- Lesley Mitchell


Wet weather slows some harvests, cuts alfalfa seed yield

Wet weather has slowed the harvest of corn silage, onions and safflower in Box Elder County, while Weber County reports alfalfa seed will see reduced yields because of rain.

Winter wheat, barley and spring wheat harvests should be complete, and corn continues to do well, despite cooler temperatures, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Emery County reports that winter grazing will be reduced because moisture levels were not enough to support grass production.

- Dawn House

Financial services

Nationwide Store opens in Salt Lake

for insurance info

Nationwide Insurance Co. has opened an insurance "store" in Salt Lake City to beef up its market presence in Utah.

The Nationwide Store at 236 E. Winchester Drive is one of seven such stores operated by the insurance company nationwide.

The stores, designed to be customer-friendly, provide information about auto, homeowners and life insurance as well as mortgages and home equity loans. A Spanish-speaking employee is available. - Lesley Mitchell

Work/Life Awards

Nominations sought for best firms to work for

Nominations are being accepted for the 2007 edition of the Utah Work/Life Awards, which annually go to companies recognized as the best places to be employed.

Candidates compete for the awards based on size, their industries and geographic regions. All Utah companies are eligible. Nominations will be accepted through Oct. 13.

For further information, visit .gov and click on "2007 Work/Life Awards," or call 801-526-4321.

- Bob Mims